02/06/03: First
02/09/06: Added
option to display single particle shape descriptors
04/02/22: Added the
solidity and convexity descriptors (as given by the convex hull
algorithm implemented by Wayne Rasband in IJ 1.31g) (v. 1a)
04/03/26:Added new
option to display a polar/rose plot based on the particle orientations
(v. 1b). Added option to include solidity and convexity values. Changes
to the dialog box.
04/06/05: Added
option to consider particles having a given form factor
05/05/16 Expanded
the shape options to include min and max values (v. 1e) Some
modifications to the dialog box. Particles not having the specified
shape options are removed from the original image. The outline images
shows the particle number corresponding to the single result table
05/10/17 Fixed a
small NullPointerException bug (1h)
05/11/07 Included a
"Include edge particle" option. Included the major and minor axis in
the result table. Changes to the outline window display (v.1j)
06/02/25 Option to
include/exclude holes in particles.
Fixed a
bug in the classifyOrientations method. The plot weighs the area in
pixels, not calibrated units. (v. 1p)
Requires IJ 138t.
Includedsthe angles for selecting particles within a given interval (v.
Included the Feret diameter. Changes to the dialog box. Outlines
are given by default. Convexity is temporarily deactivated (v.1t).
090722 Verifies if the images use an inverted LUT (V. 1u).